- на счету
- I• НА СЧЕТУ{{}}[PrepP; Invar]=====1. на счету (у кого) [subj-compl with быть (subj: any count noun); if subj: sing, it is usu. preceded by каждый]⇒ every person (or thing) is taken into consideration, is important, valued, significant:- every X is precious (to Y);- every X means something (a lot, a great deal) (to Y).♦ ...Кто-то выпустил Абдула, он, кажется, не покусал никого, но напугал сильно и одежду порвал. Лёвке-то что, а у Антона всякая тряпочка была на счету (Трифонов 2). One of them let Abdul off the leash, and although he didn't actually bite anyone, he gave the victims a bad fright and tore their clothes. This didn't bother Lev too much, but to Anton every scrap of clothing was precious (2a).⇒ a person or group is kept under observation (often by s.o. in a position of authority who believes that that person or group has done sth. illegal, reprehensible etc):- Y keeps tab(s) (an eye) on all Xs;- Y keeps track of all Xs;- all Xs live (fall) under the watchful eye of Y.♦ Мать Лены хотела поскорее выдать дочь замуж, и все потенциальные женихи были у неё на счету. Lena's mother wanted to marry her off as soon as possible and kept track of all eligible young men.♦ Городок у нас маленький, все наркоманы на счету у милиции. Our town is small, and all the drug addicts live under the watchful eye of the militia.3. на счету чьём, (у) кого [subj-compl with быть (subj: count abstr or concr, usu. pl) or obj-compl with иметь (obj: count abstr or concr, usu. pl)]⇒ (s.o. has the specified achievements or, occas., undesirable actions) as part of his past experience:- у X-a на счету много Y-ов{{}}≈ X has many Ys under his belt;- X has many Ys to his name (his credit);- X has racked up (accumulated etc) alot of Ys.♦ У Дмитрия на счету больше ста изобретений. Dmitry has more than one hundred inventions under his belt.II[PrepP; Invar; the resulting PrepP is subj-compl with copula (subj: human)]=====⇒ one is looked upon, perceived in the way specified:- X на хорошем <плохом и т.п.> счету (у Y-a) - X is in good <bad etc> standing (with Y);- X is in Y's good <bad> books;- X is well <ill> thought of (by Y);- X has a good <bad etc> reputation.♦ В активистках в университете она не состояла, но была на хорошем счету (Мандельштам 2). Though not an activist at the university, she was nevertheless in good standing (2a).♦ "А ты спроси у отрядного, что надо делать, чтобы быть на хорошем счету" (Марченко 1). "And you ask the company commander what one has to do in order to be in his good books" (1a).♦ Во всё время пребывания в училище был он на отличном счету... (Гоголь 3). All the time he was at school he was well thought of... (3a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.